Monday, October 20, 2008

Fanjayas Unite!

I've got to say that i'm a huge fanjaya; but really, who isn't? Pwee wanted me to mention that this shirt is at the top of his christmas list, just so you know...
These are a few of the pics from a recent trip to the library
He's reading Cirque du Freak and wondering why they thought the title would sound cooler in french?

This is me giving a books are your friends lecture after which I handed out hugs not drugs bookmarks

Practicing a new routine for Sparkle Motion

I majored in hobology at college


A creepy hobo kept trying to show me his book...


Delicious agua

Sunday, July 20, 2008



I know i've been updating my blog way too much lately, but I just had to post! I just got done cleaning the apartment; it looks pretty spiffy. For once it will actually last because Doug is gone, he flew to North Carolina yesterday to work in their much more productive office. We've all been worried about not being able to make our goal of 180 installs this summer because they haven't been selling very well the last few weeks. I think i'll be ok, but it's going to be close.

I'm going to have a breakdown if I don't see The Dark Knight soon. I need it like a heart needs a beat! Apparently it's the best movie of all time. On IMDb it has a rating lf 9.7!!! That's the highest i've ever seen, and it also has a power level of over 9000!

Still not much going on down here. We almost went to Six Flags today but, much like the Chattahoochee, it was hotter than a hoochie coochie; which is way too hot to be outside. Spaced comes out in the U.S. this tuesday, so that will keep me busy for a while. There's just over a month left now until I return and fill your lives with joy once again! I am so sick of Texas! "What's so great about Texas", Spongebob was right all along!

In other news...

Is this what has become of Fudepwee!?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Just beefing up the family album...

Not a lot has been going on lately, just doing installs and waiting around quite a bit. My tire blew out last week, that was fun. I finally went downtown for a little while yesterday, it was really cool. Above ground it looks kinda boring, but that's because everything is down at the riverwalk. I'm hoping to go back to Six Flags this week and win a Superman. Batman is great, but he only works nights. Also, if you haven't seen Iron Man yet, do it! It's like the best show of all time. I'm having a hard time tracking down an action figure though...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

We arrived in San Antonio after two extremely long days of non-stop driving, I immediately went to check out our apartment and unpack. It's really nice, it has an oven, dishwasher, microwave, washer and dryer. I took some pictures, but it's pretty empty for now.

This is mine and Doug's room.

We rearranged it a little...

The closet is huge!


The kitchen

The living room

From the window

On tuesday we started a lot of installs, but they all had a lot of issues and ended up taking forever. I got sent to start one by my self since we had so many, but I had only been on a few installs and hadn't seen one done for weeks. Basically everything went wrong. They sent one of their full-time, year round techs to help after an hour. He ended up being there for over three hours, I was there for five, and it should only take between one and two hours to do an install. So I ended up finishing just after 2 a. m. However, they have been going much better since.

My car ran fine the whole way down, but it started having issues the first day. We took it to Meineke and they looked at it for a few days but couldn't make a diagnosis, although they did do some research and found it that it had two recalls, which may or may not have been performed yet, that could be the cause of the problem. By the time I picked it up nothing was functional, so I had to get it towed to the dealer. I'm hoping to hear something from them soon...

Today we walked to Six Flags and got a really good deal on season passes. We only stayed for a few hours, but it was fun. I gave Doug five dollars and we won a giant Batman plush. It's about five and a half feet tall and it loves stalking the night.

Well, I guess that's about it for now...