Monday, April 06, 2009


As you may know, Fudepwee recently left home to start his own pokemon journey. Sadly, things have not gone at all as he hoped they would. I recently recieved a disturbing letter from Fudepwee via pidgey. It would seem that he has stumbled across a lot of hard times, but no powerful pokemon since we last saw him looking so enthused with his latest adventure. I must report that he has abandoned his dreams of pokeglory and is absolutely devestated by his failure. Of course, there is an upside to this. Recently Fudepwee has ignited an unforseen passion within his fiery soul by channeling his boundless anger into exercise.
A prominent little league baseball team of the area, Provo's own Unruly Unicorns, has bestowed upon him the rank of team captain.
Who knows what the horizon may bring for Fudepwee. Could his next adventure be lying in wait, just around the riverbend? Only time will tell... Keep your ear to the street and your eye on this blog for the next shocking chapter in the Fudepwee Chronicles.