Saturday, September 26, 2015

Fudepwee: Unplugged

     What ever happened to Fudepwee?
Is he still a blog?
Has he lost weight?
Who is this ecstatic, bright-eyed child?

     These are all thoughts one might have when perusing his long-dormant blog. The truth is, Fudepwee gave up on being a blog long ago; before giving up on his pokédreams, before being asked to step down from his noble position as team captain of the Unruly Unicorns (the team intervened when Fudepwee continually demonstrated ruly behavior).

    Fudepwee, in his current form, has become the anti-blog. He abhors technology in all of its forms. He has gone "off-the-grid" (but not off the griddle, based on his obvious weight gain). He was recently discovered living on a small farm at an undisclosed Eastern European location. The discovery was made by one of his old fans, who snapped this photo, entitled "Pwee and the Ocean of Wheat", as proof:

Pudgy and ponderous as ever, Pwee wears a digital camera strap at all times, to which he attaches trophies from pieces of technology that he has maimed and destroyed. Who knew he was capable of such cruelty to what once was his own kind? Here he is seen basking in the glow of the wheat; but is he also basking in lies? His unsatisfied expression suggests so.
But, there is always hope. Note the similarities to "Pwee and the Ocean", a favorite among fans. Maybe, in his heart, a piece of the old Fudepwee remains. Perhaps he will one day return, and resume his true form as a blog.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Monday, April 06, 2009


As you may know, Fudepwee recently left home to start his own pokemon journey. Sadly, things have not gone at all as he hoped they would. I recently recieved a disturbing letter from Fudepwee via pidgey. It would seem that he has stumbled across a lot of hard times, but no powerful pokemon since we last saw him looking so enthused with his latest adventure. I must report that he has abandoned his dreams of pokeglory and is absolutely devestated by his failure. Of course, there is an upside to this. Recently Fudepwee has ignited an unforseen passion within his fiery soul by channeling his boundless anger into exercise.
A prominent little league baseball team of the area, Provo's own Unruly Unicorns, has bestowed upon him the rank of team captain.
Who knows what the horizon may bring for Fudepwee. Could his next adventure be lying in wait, just around the riverbend? Only time will tell... Keep your ear to the street and your eye on this blog for the next shocking chapter in the Fudepwee Chronicles.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Farewell to Fudepwee (again)

I'm sure that most of you were relieved that fudepwee survived his explosive journey home from Mexico, and of course that he was not captured by the government, but it seems he must leave us once again. I guess it's true that a roving man's feet cannot be planted. Fudepwee feels that he must leave home at once to begin his new life as a pokemon trainer. It is truly sad that he had just returned only to vanish so soon, but I have hope and faith that he will indeed catch them all one day. My deepest hope is that you all will wish him well on this journey and, just maybe, he can catch the Purugly he has always longed for.

Such a melancholy look on his pudgy face... He is obviously overcome by sorrow, but he knows what must be done.
Maybe one day he will fulfill his dream: to be the very best, like no one ever was...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fanjayas Unite!

I've got to say that i'm a huge fanjaya; but really, who isn't? Pwee wanted me to mention that this shirt is at the top of his christmas list, just so you know...
These are a few of the pics from a recent trip to the library
He's reading Cirque du Freak and wondering why they thought the title would sound cooler in french?

This is me giving a books are your friends lecture after which I handed out hugs not drugs bookmarks

Practicing a new routine for Sparkle Motion

I majored in hobology at college


A creepy hobo kept trying to show me his book...


Delicious agua

Sunday, July 20, 2008



I know i've been updating my blog way too much lately, but I just had to post! I just got done cleaning the apartment; it looks pretty spiffy. For once it will actually last because Doug is gone, he flew to North Carolina yesterday to work in their much more productive office. We've all been worried about not being able to make our goal of 180 installs this summer because they haven't been selling very well the last few weeks. I think i'll be ok, but it's going to be close.

I'm going to have a breakdown if I don't see The Dark Knight soon. I need it like a heart needs a beat! Apparently it's the best movie of all time. On IMDb it has a rating lf 9.7!!! That's the highest i've ever seen, and it also has a power level of over 9000!

Still not much going on down here. We almost went to Six Flags today but, much like the Chattahoochee, it was hotter than a hoochie coochie; which is way too hot to be outside. Spaced comes out in the U.S. this tuesday, so that will keep me busy for a while. There's just over a month left now until I return and fill your lives with joy once again! I am so sick of Texas! "What's so great about Texas", Spongebob was right all along!

In other news...

Is this what has become of Fudepwee!?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Just beefing up the family album...

Not a lot has been going on lately, just doing installs and waiting around quite a bit. My tire blew out last week, that was fun. I finally went downtown for a little while yesterday, it was really cool. Above ground it looks kinda boring, but that's because everything is down at the riverwalk. I'm hoping to go back to Six Flags this week and win a Superman. Batman is great, but he only works nights. Also, if you haven't seen Iron Man yet, do it! It's like the best show of all time. I'm having a hard time tracking down an action figure though...